Japanese Phrases Derived from Katana

Apr 17, 2016 16:57
There are many Japanese phrases that were derived from Katana.

Today, I will talk about two phrases of them.

・Moto no saya ni osamaru (katana is sheathed) ・・・ to get back together.

Once you unsheathe katana, it's difficult to fit other scabbards, but it's easy to fit the original scabbard.

For this reason, the phrase was born.

・Nukiuchi ・・・ to conduct something suddenly without any advance notice.

Originally, nukiuchi meant to unsheathe katana and cut someone simultaneously.

However, this phrase came to be used in various situations.

For example, we refer to a test that is conducted without notice as "nukiuchi test."







No. 1 Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)'s correction
  • Japanese Phrases Derived from Katana
  • Japanese Phrases Derived from the Katana
  • There are many Japanese phrases that were derived from Katana.
  • There are many Japanese phrases that were derived from the Katana.
     In this case, the sword has great significance so with the right article, it feels odd.
  • Today, I will talk about two phrases of them.
  • Today, I will share two such phrases.
  • ・Moto no saya ni osamaru (katana is sheathed) ・・・ to get back together.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Once you unsheathe katana, it's difficult to fit other scabbards, but it's easy to fit the original scabbard.
  • Once you unsheathe the katana, it's difficult to fit other scabbards, but it's easy to fit the original scabbard.
  • For this reason, the phrase was born.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • ・Nukiuchi ・・・ to conduct something suddenly without any advance notice.
  • ・Nukiuchi ・・・ to conduct something suddenly, and without any advance notice.
  • Originally, nukiuchi meant to unsheathe katana and cut someone simultaneously.
  • Originally, nukiuchi meant to simultaneously unsheathe the katana and to slash someone .
     Adverb position needs to change so that's understood earlier.
  • However, this phrase came to be used in various situations.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For example, we refer to a test that is conducted without notice as "nukiuchi test."
  • For example, we refer to a test that is conducted without notice as a "nukiuchi test."
Hmm, don't think you explained 'Moto no saya ni osamaru' clearly enough. Does it mean once you cause yourself to be in a situation, it won't be able to go back to the way it was?

Thank you very much always for correcting my post! :)

> Hmm, don't think you explained 'Moto no saya ni osamaru' clearly enough. Does it mean once you cause yourself to be in a situation, it won't be able to go back to the way it was?

Ah, I'm sorry. My explanation wasn't enough.
This phrase means that a couple (who broke up) get back together again.
Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)
Ah, thanks for the clarification.